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Live in the Philadelphia area? I'm taking my show to Delco this February. It would be grand to see you in the audience. Yes, it would! Presenting...

Happy Hour Cabaret with Heidi and Mark

Life's a lot these days. Isn't it time for some happiness?

I have the perfect place to find that happiness - Happy Hour with Heidi and Mark. Not that kind of happy hour; rather, an evening of songs and stories that will incite joy, laughter and, if we’re lucky - happiness. We've woven together songs from a myriad of styles (think Great American Songbook, movies, pop/rock, and of course, Broadway) to give you a respite from the cold, cruel world.

Who's this Mark guy? My good friend and colleague, Mark Yurkanin. Mark is a fantastic collaborative pianist who works all over the Philadelphia area, including at places like the Brind School of Theater/University of the Arts and Walnut Street Theatre (that's where we met). He's also the principal accompanist for the Savoy Opera Company. And, he makes me laugh, which is very important.

Plenty of opportunities to see this one as we're doing the same show on two different Saturdays. Same show, two different venues.

First up, we'll take our Happy Hour to the Media Arts Council in Media, PA on Saturday, February 4. First set at 6:30 pm; second one at 7:30 pm. Tickets are $15. Come early and stay all night! We'll be done no later than 9:00 pm. Oh, and the Arts Council has refreshments available for purchase. Here's the link to buy your sweet MAC tickets.

The following Saturday, February 11, we'll head down to southern Delco for a return engagement (another phrase I love and adore) on the Coffee House Concert series at my beloved Darlington Arts Center. 8:00 start, although Darlington often has music happening before that. $20 gets you in and includes free coffee, tea and desserts (there's never any left for me!). Also, this is a BYOB. Let me tell you - I've seen some tasty-looking spreads over the years at this venue. Here's the link to buy your sweet Darlington tickets.

Mark and I haven't appeared together since...gasp...2013! I'm thrilled that drought is ending. To entice you, here's a song from that performance:



© 2025 by Heidi Hayes.

Golden Website Design

Headshots and Promotional Photos (some unedited images) by Michael Hull Photography.


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