What a summer. As you can see in the photo next door, I danced with the Phanatic. Didn't do much else. Except for that Sister Act show. That was then. This is now. Where can you find Heidi this fall?
Read on!
Visit me at Creatavita - You are more than welcome to join the growing number of Creataviters. My recent posts about the business side of my creative life have drawn a lot of interest.
I'm passionate about inspiring others to incorporate
creativity into their lives, but I also hand out business tips and regale my audience with stories from my global travels. I rarely rant, so you're safe. Come on over!
See me perform - this one is a few months off, but put the date on your calendar now so you don't miss it! I'll be back on the Coffee House series at the Darlington Arts Center on Saturday, January 7. NOTE: THAT'S A DATE CHANGE. I'll be there on Saturday, January 7 NOT Saturday, January 14. Darlington is always a good time and this one does sell out (it really does!).
Let me help you - Creative Consultations - Here's another aspect of my work that I've been focusing on lately. Need a jump start to your creative career? Wish you could make those goals finally happen? Want to turn dreams into solid, accessible goals? I'm your gal. Click here to learn more. I'm sure other projects will pop up this fall, so plan to check back here for more info. Great to see you here!